The sister website- is up and running
The sister website- is up and running
From a Berlin Subway....WW2 - U-Bahn
Nice Quart Jar with no damage...
Thick glass, nice grind with no damage. The usual clamshell flakes from the grinding process on the outside of the lip. Ask for more photos if you wish.
Tissot Seastar Sonorous Alarm Automatic , COA. 35mm $550 CDN
Zenith Sporto Manual, COA. 34mm $350 CDN
Balrose 14K Automatic, COA. 35mm $750 CDN
This is a nice perfume, hidden in a slightly mothed Monkey! He's also an amputee. $75
These are original circa 1933 Special Event Candle holders, removed from use in 1934-5 because of the fire hazard, celluloid and cardboard base. Used at birthdays and to surround Caskets at Funerals. $70 each plus shipping.
Original 5th Cavalry Danziger Skulls. Found under a demolition site outside Berlin in 2005. Used by Himmler and the SS until they introduced the full jaw version in 1934 I believe. Original and uncleaned, guaranteed. $185 each plus shipping.
Dundurn Saskatchewan Rocket Test Range....liberated by a local I assume. Half inch plywood. There's some graffiti on the back, and the size is 12" at the arrowhead and 43 1/4" long. $150 plus shipping of course.
This is an original Mel Gibson headshot from when he was in Vancouver filming Bird on a Wire with Goldie Hawn in 1989. Eight by ten inch. $175. I pay the shipping.
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